Jump into the New Year with intention

by SedonaJeannie on January 1, 2014



The New Year rang in with a New Moon close on its heels. New Moons set the tone for weeks to follow (until the next New Moon sets a new intention). This particular New Moon will be more powerful than most because millions of people will be holding their focus on the hands of the clock as they shift from midnight 2013 to 2014.

It is a well-documented fact that when a number of people all focus on the same intention, it changes their environment. In scientific labs, it is proven that the result of an experiment will be different if the scientist is observing the experiment, his very presence and observation will dilute or change the outcome. When hundreds of people meditate on peace and love in the city with the highest crime rate in the U.S. Police report that crime rates diminish for the same period of time. And so as we all waited in anticipation of the change of the calendar year and set intentions and resolutions for change, the moon passed into the New Moon phase, locking in those intentions for the next 4 weeks or so.


The sign that the Moon was in provides additional information about the tone of the upcoming period as well and Capricorn is known to be “the builder”, one who seeks recognition for his great works, the teacher, taskmaster and father time. How appropriate. With the New Moon in Capricorn, we are all focused on what resources we have available and how we will utilize them to build our new future. Some of us will become more aware of our resources because we feel a sense of lack, forcing us to become more creative in our approach to build and or “make do”. Capricorns are the ones who can see a job through time, they are the sculptors who chip a block of granite into a work of art, so there is no question that great works are being formed as we speak.


Today January 1, 2014, I invite you to take the next 12 days and using the following list of daily rituals to lay the foundation for a very productive year utilizing whatever resources that you have and building your sense of self-sustainability. The times are-a-changing and surely there will be some difficult times to come, but with the right mindset, these will become challenges that help us to reach out and expand our influence.


I meditated this morning at the time of the New Moon and this is the message my Angels gave to me:


“Welcome to the future, we’ve been waiting for you. This is the future that you imagined long ago, some you will recognize, some you will have forgotten. All will bring you closer to the I AM that we are. Blessed New Year – And may grace guide you.”


I feel so loved, so free and so excited to see how it all unfolds!


Please join me in these daily activities during the first 12 days of January – let’s sculpt our lives with intention and create peace in our environment wherever we are. Surely our energy fields will eventually overlap and all in our environment will feel the peace and love and grace will be our shared experience.



And now – on to the rituals…

Download the pdf version  New Year Ritual

The First 12 Days of January

The first 12 days of January is a very powerful time to visualize the way you would like your life to manifest during the rest of the year. If you take a few moments each day to invoke a particular vibration, you will be amazed by your own power of manifestation. The following is a list of invocations for each of the first 12 days of the year.

Start with a letter to yourself on New Year’s Eve that is written as if all of the things you are writing about have already occurred. Describe in detail the joyous events that you would like to have happened during the year, remember, this is a fantasy and it can be as grandiose as you like. Be sure to include all aspects of your life including creativity, love relations, personal growth opportunities, career goals, material gain (new home, new car, etc.). Most of all HAVE FUN!

1. Indulgence/self-pleasure: give to yourself today. Deposit money into your bank account. Invest in yourself and self-gratification.
2. Relationships: give and receive through relationships with others acknowledge the importance of friends and family.
3. Communication/travel: telephone people with whom communication is important to you. If possible travel for pleasure, even if it is only a short drive.
4. Work: work with diligence and focus, extend yourself in areas that you would like to work in. In other words, in addition to your current vocation, volunteer, donate or assist in other areas of interest to you.
5. Travel: need I say more? Get out into the world and view it with the eyes of an adventurer. Go anywhere that you can that is out of the ordinary.
6. Responsibility: Pay something towards every bill to which you are obligated. This sets a pattern of responsibility and affords you the feeling that there is nothing that you are shirking or avoiding.
7. Psychic Awareness: meditate, get a massage, have a reading, anything that helps you tune into the higher guidance. Acknowledge the guidance that is there, affirming your acceptance and appreciation for it.
8. Receive gifts, anything owed to you, especially money. 8 is the number of business and rewards related to business.
9. Fortune / Fame: how others will see you throughout the year. Get out and be seen looking your best. Meet with friends, eat out etc.
The last three days reflect a higher vibration of the first three in order to refine our self-definition and goals.
10. Self
11. Relationships
12. Communication and Travel


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