How Do Humans Relate To Vortexes?

by SedonaJeannie on January 26, 2013

Have you traveled to a vortex or Sacred Site and wondered what you are supposed to feel?  Or perhaps you felt something and wondered why?

I’ve been asked about the vortexes since my first spiritual retreat to Sedona in 1988 and what I’ve come to learn is that they enhance whatever energy is predominant in your psyche at the time.  In a nutshell, they magnify what you are feeling, especially the more subtle feelings that are lying hidden in your subconscious.

The more perplexing question is “Why?”

There are plenty of theories about this so for years I couldn’t answer that question confidently, all I could say for sure is that “whether or not you feel as though something is happening for you at a vortex, you can be sure that something is happening!”  I have witnessed so many people and their experiences and can honestly say that sometimes it’s better if you don’t notice what is happening.  I say that because people who habitually stuff their emotions can be in for a rude awakening when encountering vortex energy as their suppressed emotions rise to consciousness.  Tears flow, memories of emotional experiences come to mind and sometimes anger presents for the first time ever.  I’ve also seen people become giddy and giggly for no apparent reason.  All are valid forms of emotional release and none to be judged, we are all in various stages of healing our past and must find compassion for others on the journey as well as for ourselves.

Still the question begs “Why do we have an anomalous experience in vortexes?”

human electro mangentic field

When I was living in Mexico in 2006 I read an interesting article in a scientific journal about Dr. Esther Del Rio and her discoveries about human energy fields and the crystalline nature of our blood.  Here I am paraphrasing what the article said:

In 1968, Dr. Esther Del Rio returned to Mexico after earning her doctorate in biological sciences abroad. During that year she worked in a laboratory, and made a detection that changed her life: She found two minerals within human cells; ferrous oxide and ferric oxide. These minerals are necessary for the metabolism of many proteins.

Our molecular blood structure forms pyramids. Our blood is also made of the following: resonance, vibration and electromagnetic manifestation. We are made up of a system of macromolecules that form a network besides the cell structure. It is a ferrous-ferric network that consists of electric and electromagnetic currents. It is estimated that the body has around 1 billion of these ferrous-ferric particles. Dr Ester del Rio has named this System ECOR (Extracellular Cofactor Oxide Reduction).

We are an incredible harmony of magnets and liquid crystal, literally “parabolic antennae” with magnetic fields that extend beyond the structure of the body. Our vibration definitely affects what is around us and what is around us definitely affects us.

Dr. Del Rio`s second major discovery: The medium in which the ECOR occurs, i.e. through which the energy or information is transmitted between these elements and the cell, is water. The water that deals with transmitting the information between the cells is not water as we know it. This water is liquid crystal water. It can transmit wavelengths and has the optical characteristics of crystals. It is a dodecahedron with pentagonal and hexagonal sides (H20)37 and has the power to hold memory because of its liquid crystal mesomorphic state. “We are part of a totally luminous tissue. We are, literally light”, declares Dr. Esther del Rio.

Vortexes are areas of electro-magnetic anomaly, higher than normal electro- magnetic frequency. When exposed to these fields of energy we receive subtle vibrations which our own fields will harmonize with by the universal principle “energy seeks its own level”.

Because we now know that we are antennae which receive and send signals to the collective field. When interpreting what we are experiencing we can influence our experience by our conscious choice of thought. Literally we can re-direct any negative perceptions and choose a pattern of thought that empowers us, thereby sending a corresponding signal to the morphogenic field that supports and empowers the collective consciousness and our experience as a whole.

In my experience using our conscious intention to bring hidden emotions to the surface and performing ritual or meditation as a symbolic release of the energy of the painful emotions and then re-programming our field with more empowering emotions such as love can provide amazing results and bolster our emotional intelligence.  Life begins to feel lighter as we take responsibility for our own emotional well being rather than feel like victims of “out of control” emotions.

How about you, what kind of experience have you had at sacred sites, vortexes or even when you were out in nature?  I’d love to hear your stories, please share in the comments below this post.


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