Solstice & Super Moon Coming Soon

by SedonaJeannie on June 20, 2013

Sedona Astrology Full Moon

Tonight’s solstice at 10:04 MST is the point in time where we stand still and take stock of all that has taken place since winter solstice 2012. We have had a nice long period to review the final exams of the Nov 2012 eclipse and remove, reduce and recycle the clutter of the past as we integrate all the new learning that was done in the latter part of 2012 and early 2013.

We are now free to move fully into a new lesson plan, one that is rich in emotional context. Personally I have spent a great deal of time reassessing my spiritual path, going deeper internally to find my strengths and letting go of extraneous activities that do not fully support my authentic expression (Gemini) and my true path.

I’ve reconnected with the things that I truly love; having a garden, dancing (tango), music (all genre’s) and a life style based on nurturing self care and self love. I have also been appreciating my work, I am lucky that the majority of my time is spent sharing with others who are on a mystical path and looking for reassurance, guidance and validation for what they perceive intuitively. It is most gratifying to see them returning year after year with ever more wisdom, maturity and spiritual authority . To hear of their new-found inspiration for life direction, having a bigger picture of what is possible makes my heart swell with pride and joy.

With Jupiter the traditional planet of spiritual quest and higher truths moving from the very curious and communicative sign of Gemini and into the ultra sensitive moon-ruled sign of Cancer we can expect a much deeper level of relating with others in the next year.

Cancer the archetypal mother, is all about nourishing her progeny and nurturing them to full maturity, be it children, creative projects or gardens & pets. The feminine principle is about receptivity and being fully present to our emotional senses. It’s about intuition and allowing the subtle energies in our environment lead us to fuller awareness. So when Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system spins it’s gravitational pull on our femininity we all have access to that mystical, magical energy in an enhance and expanded way.

How we use that energy is up to us. If we are not accustomed to our emotionality and instead repress it out of fear or shame, well then we can expect some turbulent waters ahead as those around us become more emotionally driven (in a VERY BIG way/Jupiter).

The full moon this weekend will have Jupiter located very near and that magnifies the effects of the full moon. By all means tune in to your subtle senses and lay low below the radar of those who are not in touch with their emotional intelligence, no doubt they will come out swinging, or sulking, or complaining that it is YOUR fault that they feel so emotional. We are still under the influence of some very terse, long term astrological influences so let the magical moon effect be a balm to your soul and spirit as you dive deeper into what it means to be a very powerful creator known in 3d as a human being.

This can be a magical time of close connection, deepening bonds by sharing in an open and vulnerable way and showing deep appreciation for our loved ones. Let your imagination run wild and enjoy the ride into loving expression and compassionate caring.

Oh and we can also expect some wonderful surprises too, as Jupiter is the planet of good luck and good fortune, it brings fortunate blessings, happy accidents and generous people into or experience – whoo hooo!

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