The Importance of Loving Oneself

by SedonaJeannie on March 6, 2013

when you love yourself - it shows up everywhere :~)

when you love yourself – it shows up everywhere :~)


How do you know if you are loving yourself? Take note of the people in your environment. Are they kind, happy, present to their emotions and radiating a state of grace? If so you are probably seeing a reflection of your inner state of being. Good for you!

If you are witnessing sarcasm, dissatisfaction, argumentative attitudes in those you interact with, there is a good chance that you are not seeing your own inner beauty, rather likely that you are being hard on yourself.

Valerie Sheppard is a kindred spirit to me in that she is all about bringing self awareness and self love out of the closet ;~)

Here is a segment of a recent article she wrote, I love how succinctly she puts it:

You see, life is an inside-out game. Our relationship with ourselves influences everything. How well we know, honor, nurture, forgive, and love ourselves is reflected back to us in all our outer experiences and relationships.

When we can’t love, trust, or free ourselves from resentment, fear, shame, or guilt, we attract what resonates with that vibration. It’s Universal Law, understand it or not, believe it or not, like it or not.

The solution? Inner discovery.


Inner discovery is a lifelong adventure, but sometimes we need to kick it up a notch.  You’ll know when by your own emotional state.  Occasionally we wake up on the wrong side of the bed, how frustrating when we’ve been working so diligently to keep our attitude of gratitude!

Yesterday I had that kind of wake up call.  I couldn’t figure out what had put me in such a state, but then I looked at the planetary activity for the day, lo and behold there was a significant event happening up there in the heavens and on further investigation I learned that the exact position that was being triggered in the heavens had been triggered way back in 2006.  So I began to think about what kind of experiences I was having back then and realized that it was a MAJOR period of growth for me.  The aspect of yesterday is one that is usually followed by a “fork in the road of destiny” and sure enough the 2006 event was the precursor to my leaving the country for the better part of a year!

So I’m pretty excited about what is to come in the next few months, we have a lot of tenuous astrological aspects that metaphorically can best be described as some of the more powerful planets arm wrestling each other, there will be challenges for sure, and there will be forks in the road.  With enough self love we will all be able to weather these changes with grace and dignity.  As they say: It’s not a matter of what happens in our lives but how we respond that defines our character.

To read more about Valerie and her viewpoint on loving yourself you can:

– See more at:

Inspire Me Today – Valerie Sheppard.

What ways do you measure your own self love?  Share your comments with the rest of our readers by posting a comment on the web version of this article.

I’ll start:  I’ve changed the ringtone on my phone to Santana’s “You’re the love of my life” – now when it rings I am reminded that I am the love of my life (and it’s fun to watch other people as they eavesdrop to hear who is calling with that special ringtone…Shhhh ~it’s our little secret ;~)

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