Spiritual Musings

Good Morning Santa Fe

by SedonaJeannie on April 30, 2015

It happened very quickly but in retrospect I think it has been happening right under my nose – I’ve changed and my life has taken a turn that has me absolutely delighted. I’ve moved into a little adobe casita in Santa Fe and am on a magical adventure of exploring my passion for tango dancing. […]


Note from the Universe

by SedonaJeannie on April 7, 2015

This is something that I just have to share – it’s so inspiring. I’ve been getting daily inspirational messages from Mike since sometime around 2002 and I still marvel about the way each day’s message hits a home run that is totally in sync with what is happening in my life.  How does he do […]


The Portal of Now ~ April 4, 2015

by SedonaJeannie on March 31, 2015

The Portal of Now ~ April 4, 2015 Wow, can you feel it? The winds of change are upon us! Your destiny is pulling you toward it at full throttle. Last week we had a very powerful super moon, total Solar eclipse and equinox (change of season). The winds of change are definitely upon us. […]


Prayer – Angels & Miracles

by SedonaJeannie on February 17, 2015

I had moved to the country outside of Sedona in 2012 and was living in the most fairytale dream and then after a year and a half in utter bliss isolated in the country I was shot like a catapult into a year of extensive travel and family drama where my role was just to […]


Loving Our Way Into 2015

by SedonaJeannie on October 2, 2014

Wow – it seems like the year just started and now it’s already Autumn! Little did I know but after 2 years of absolute stillness and bliss this New Year 2014 shot me through a cannon and back out into the world, this year has been all about travel and so I haven’t had much […]


Jump into the New Year with intention

by SedonaJeannie on January 1, 2014

  The New Year rang in with a New Moon close on its heels. New Moons set the tone for weeks to follow (until the next New Moon sets a new intention). This particular New Moon will be more powerful than most because millions of people will be holding their focus on the hands of […]


Thanksgiving 2013

by SedonaJeannie on November 15, 2013

What gives you a feeling of gratitude and appreciation?  What will you be giving thanks for on the day that we as a nation celebrate our freedom in the new world? It is a new world after all.  Not only have we been freed of our ties to England and the Queen mother (in 1776), […]


Post image for Happy Anniversary to Me

Happy Anniversary to Me

by SedonaJeannie on August 23, 2013

We all need to connect to nature – please find somewhere that you can connect and get centered, as we head into fall you will need to feel as grounded as possible to negotiate the changing energies. One year ago I moved into a new home in a secluded natural oasis shaded by a canopy […]

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Are you loving the energy of the Merkaba?

by SedonaJeannie on July 31, 2013

I‘ve been noticing that everywhere I go in the last few days people are laughing and happy, a nice change from the tension we’ve all been under for that better part of the year due to long range irrational energies provoked by planets in irrational geometries in our solar system. This summer will yield many […]


Follow Your Heart!

by SedonaJeannie on July 3, 2012

Today we learn about the amazing qualities of the human heart from a scientific but not surgical perspective. Thanks to Rebecca Cherry who wrote this article for putting it so succinctly; I will not have to bore you with my own version of how the heart is the true intelligence we possess.  Although I am […]